Each type of play should be facilitated, encouraged and allowed to develop in such a way that the following 4 features exist. Take a look at the image, with a particular focus on the Features of Play arrows, and find a breakdown of each below.

1. Participation and Agency. Skilful players are fast and effective learners. The session is not something that is “done” to the children. They must be full and
active participants and they should be encouraged and empowered to initiate what happens next.
2. Voice and Choice. Skilful players know how to give and receive feedback. Closely related to participation and agency. The children are given a voice and their ideas are listened to and acted upon by the adults involved. The sessions should avoid too many pre- determined outcomes, instead the children should be encouraged to set the direction and the challenge where possible.
3. Collaboration and Competition. Skilful players are fierce competitors but know how to win and lose with sportsmanship and respect. The children are given the time and space to develop as individuals and in small groups. They should be encouraged to make decisions, solve problems and achieve
goals on their own and with others. This will begin their decision making for sport.
4. Motivation and Enjoyment. Skilful players are driven to improve and be the best that they can be. Feeling that you are getting better and that you are part of something is very motivating and can lead to long term participation and enjoyment. Empowering and involving the children when the group comes together can be an exciting start.